SayIt Wireless Mic for iPhone

Henry Majoue, Voice AutomatedHealthcare Leave a Comment

Location, location, location – the top 3 things most important in Real Estate are also the most important for busy doctors.

Doctors see patients and need to document that encounter in an EHR system. Our experience has shown doctors often use a single laptop and move from room to room, or access a dedicated computer which may be outside of the exam room. This adds up to a lot of foot traffic each day!

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Henry Majoue, Voice Automated

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When doctors want to use speech recognition (SR) with the EHR, this adds to the logistics challenge. With traditional SR software, the doctor would normally have to purchase a microphone for each computer, or carry a microphone with them back and forth between rooms. Neither was a great option. Transporting one microphone back and forth often wore out the computer USB ports, and buying microphones for every room was an unwelcome expense. And if the doctor ever tried using a wireless Bluetooth microphone, they’d quickly encounter pairing problems with so many different devices involved – not to mention audio interference. Now, with the SayIt Wireless Mic App for iPhone, the freedom to move from place to place with a high quality microphone ready for speech recognition is not wishful thinking – it’s a reality!

With the SayIt Wireless Mic App, available at the Apple Store, a doctor can use their iPhone with any active computer that has SayIt logged in and running. The computer can be in the same office or even at home! No need to be on the same WiFi network. The doctor just needs to designate which computer location they want to direct their dictation to e.g. Exam Room 1 Computer, Exam Room 2 Computer. Voila! Spoken words are converted to text, directly into the computer location requested. No more plugging, unplugging, and lugging.

It used to be you needed a pretty serious microphone with noise cancelling technology to get quality audio for speech recognition. Smartphones such as the iPhone 5 and above are leaping forward with what is called a micro-electronic mechanical systems microphone. No longer do you need a separate device for high quality noise cancelling technology for speech recognition. Accuracy and vocal quality with these phones are excellent.

With the SayIt Wireless Mic Application for the iPhone, you can dictate freely, comfortably and accurately without being tethered to a particular location. Best of all, the Wireless Mic is totally free to any SayIt user without a monthly carrying charge. Contact nVoq now to get started! or visit our certified reseller Voice Automated to request a trial.

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