Your iPhone has Good Dictation. Why Doesn’t your Enterprise Application?

Jon FordHealthcare Leave a Comment

If you use an Apple or Android device, you’ve probably noticed the increased accuracy of these platforms’ dictation capabilities. A few of my friends have migrated almost entirely to dictating their text messages. This makes me wonder “why not just make a phone call?” However, my analysis of the cultural aspects of texting will have to wait — this post is about enterprise dictation.

Giving Providers What They Want – Save $ and Improve Satisfaction with SayIt Transcription Assist

Matt TillmanHealthcare Leave a Comment

With the advent of the EMR, providers are doing more and more with regard to patient data input. From a provider perspective, additional time spent in front of a computer means less time working with patients.

Real-time (or “front-end”) speech recognition at the point of care has made some providers more efficient, but it’s not a universal solution. Whether it’s the time required to learn the system, specialized workflow needs or their unique speech patterns, many providers are just not a good fit for front-end speech recognition. When they don’t have another option, frustration ensues.

The EMR Journey to Optimization and Innovation

Chad Hiner, RN, MS, Executive Director, HealthcareHealthcare Leave a Comment

It is well known in the electronic medical record (EMR) journey that there is a tangible difference between EMR implementation and EMR adoption. The implementation phase, a well-defined, subsidized, singular event, has been compared to a wedding: while significant, it’s not necessarily predictive of the long-term outcome. The adoption phase, in contrast, is rarely defined, difficult to measure and requires a level of engagement and commitment that is often overlooked.